Swap Meet Tomorrow

Swap Meet Tomorrow
Not sure if this guy is going to be there, but the 48 North Magazine/Fisheries Supply swap meet is tomorrow at the Fisheries store. Get there early if you’re going.

 48° North & Fisheries Supply Swap Meet at Fisheries Supply

Mariner’s Square Parking Lot (across from, but not in, Gasworks Park)

1900 N. Northlake Way, Seattle WA 98103

7:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. • (206) 632-3555

It’s time again to get that box of stuff out of the garage, empty the lazarette, and head to the 48° North Boater’s Swap Meet. Hundreds, even thousands, of your fellow boaters will be there selling those items that you’ve been yearning for but couldn’t find, and buying those items you’ve stored forever.
It’s a bargain hunter’s paradise.

And it’s FREE!

What a great event from our friends at 48 North and Fisheries!