Party on the Pier at Sail Sand Point

Ed. Note: At the risk of redundancy, Sail Sand Point is a Seattle sailing treasure and we should support it. Based at Magnuson Park, it brings sailing to Seattle community. Between sailing lessons, open boating and hosting interscholastic regattas, it’s the place to be. The Party on the Pier is a great way to support it and fun. And the paella is to die for. -KH

From Seth Muir, Executive Director of SSP.

Sail Sand Point is returning with their annual Party on the Pier on July 30th. This event benefits their programs which serve over 15,000 people each year ranging from 8 year olds in Optis to 80 year olds in keelboats. Head down to Magnuson Park’s beautiful pier and enjoy live music, paella, libations and some light fundraising for a great cause–getting more people introduced to the joy of sailing! Info and tickets are available here:

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