You Be The Judge – Save the Date

Here’s a great opportunity to give back to the sport and learn a thing or two in the process. While the event doesn’t happen until December, if you’re interested in becoming a US Sailing judge, save the dates now!

From Wayne Balsiger of Corinthian Yacht Club

US Sailing Advanced Judge Seminar

Are you interested in learning more about how protest committees work? Are you interested in becoming a US Sailing Judge? Become a US Sailing Certified Judge!

Judges are responsible for conducting protest and redress hearings when competitors believe there has been a breach of the rules. Judges also conduct arbitration hearings, enforce Rule 42 (Propulsion) on the water at fleet racing events and consult with organizers and race officers ahead of events to review race documents and procedures.  Judges improve the quality, consistency, and fairness of racing through proper administration of the Racing Rules of Sailing.

Join us in a US Sailing two-day Judge Seminar (Advanced) required for certification as a US Sailing Judge or US Sailing National Judge. Some protest committee experience is helpful, but not required. No prerequisite class is needed.  It covers topics involved in successful judging: rules and requirements for handling protests and requests for redress, techniques involved in running good hearings, deriving a set of facts from testimony , applying applicable rules, and arriving at conclusions and a decision, writing up protest committee decisions, handling open hearings and arbitration.

Additionally, the seminar will concentrate on four areas of development: Mock Hearings, Part 2 rules, Part 5 and Appendix M rules and rule 69.

The lead instructor is Charlie Macaulay. Charlie is a Judge and has served as a member of the US Sailing Judges Committee and is a member of the Area L Appeals Committee.

When:  December 8-9, 2018

Where: Corinthian Yacht Club of Seattle, Shilshole Bay marina (downstairs)

Time: Check-In Saturday: 800, Seminar 830 – 1700 and Sunday 830 – 1600.  

Cost: of the seminar and exam is $89. This includes continental breakfast, lunch, beverages, snacks, handout materials and test processing.

What to Bring: You will need your own copy of 2017-2020 The Racing Rules of Sailing, (including the US prescriptions), the US Sailing Judges Manual (available later this year), and the US Sailing Appeals ; The World Sailing Case Book. These may be either a printed or downloaded electronic copies saved on your device.  After the seminar you take the on-line test at your convenience within 30 days.

Study Materials: You should answer the AJS Study Questions We strongly recommend that you study and answer each question, and write down the relevant rule citations prior to attending the seminar.

Advanced registration is required. The deadline for registration is Monday December 3, 2018.  Registration link is here:   

For additional information about host and location or housing available, please contact Wayne Balsiger,, 206.370.1601. For questions regarding registration please email:

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