Halfway Duwamish Head

Once again, Bruce Hedrick called it well in advance. The break in the rain was nice, but unfortunately it was a break in the wind as well for the racers that braved the Duwamish Head race on Saturday.

I don’t have any from-the-water reports, but Bruce was watching from his house in West Seattle and gave regular updates of the fleet’s slow progress. There are a few things of note. Three TP 52s came out to play. Alex Simanis has picked up with the Henderson 30 Sabrosa where he left off with Poke and Destroy, and Iain Christenson’s GREEN Farr 36 Annapurna can be clearly seen from all over Puget Sound. It’s also worth noting that John Bailey sailed Sir Isaac in the single/doublehanded class. That’s a lot of sails for two people. (Ed. note, I’d mistakenly called Sabrosa by the name Selah earlier. Oops, sorry. Selah is the J/100 with the red chute owned by Tad Fairbank, and it won the single/doublehanded class.)

Here are the results.

Following are Jan Anderson’s pictures. The rest are here.

2 thoughts on “Halfway Duwamish Head

  • January 12, 2021 at 1:20 pm

    Selah is a J100 and I believe owned by Tad Fairbank.

    • January 12, 2021 at 1:39 pm

      Thanks! I’ve made the correction on the post.


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