560 Miles in 24 Hours, Brunel owns the record for now

Update: AkzoNobel now has both the record (which stands at 601 miles) and the lead. Post here.

There’s a new 24-hour speed record for the Volvo 65 class. For the moment it stands at just about 560 miles. That record may fall in the next few hours as the other six boats chase Brunel. Check out the video for some footage and typical Kiwi nonchalance from Peter Burling. I for one, would need at least a week to shop shaking after those 24 hours. Note that this falls short of the outright 24 hour record set by Comanche (618 miles) and a 596 mile run set by the Volvo 70 Ericsson 4 in 2008. After the two deaths and one dismasting associated with this race, it was time for good news.


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